VŠĮ Žinių laboratorija “Empatija”
J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, Vilnius
+370 621 94001
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DATE/TIME: June 7-8th, 2024. Training starts at 9 AM.
PLACE: the training will take place live at J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, B NORDIC 26 business center, Vilnius, Lithuania.
DURATION: 16 hours
The training will be held in English.
PRICE: 260 Eur- for the first 10 participants.
320 Eur after.
This course dives into the scientific background and a variety of validated tests and evidence-based screening for:
• Injury prevention: the latest evidence-based insights on injury prevention screening and injury risk profiling for athletes from multiple sports and for different injuries.
• Rehabilitation: Return-to-Sports screening after an injury or after surgery.
The training is strongly recommended for experts with the intention of using practical testing in their daily practice or work. It is a mix of theoretical knowledge and hands-on testing and screening skills, enabling participants to return to their daily work with a large number of valid and reliable tests; which can be used with professional or recreational athletes as well as with patients.
There is an online platform (Hylyght) which contains all this knowledge and supports practitioners in their daily work in physiotherapy practices, hospitals and professional sports clubs. A license is not needed or by any means obliged; plenty of people take part in this training to brush up on their knowledge on testing and screening and to focus on the standardization of their test execution.
• Know the scientific frameworks around injury prevention and RTS screening.
• Have a solid understanding of screening and testing in practice.
• Know a lot of different tests and their strengths and limitations.
• Use scientific evidence to set up their own screening and testing approach.
• Develop skills in hands-on testing and test standardization.
Day 1
– Theoretical framework: injury prevention screening; state of the art.
– Practical implementation: injury prevention in Football: Hamstring strain, Groin Pain, ACL injury.
– Practical implementation: injury prevention in Basketball: Anterior Knee pain, Achilles Tendon.
– Practical implementation: injury prevention in Volleyball: Shoulder Overuse, Ankle Sprain.
Day 2
– Theoretical framework: Return to sport or activity screening; state of the art.
– Practical implementation: Return to running screening after ACL reconstruction.
– Practical implementation: Return to sport after Hamstring strain.
– Practical implementation: Return to Sport after Ankle distortion.
– Practical implementation: Return to activity after Total Hip Arthroplasty.
TUTOR: Prof. Dr. Damien Van Tiggelen – Head of Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at the Military Hospital Queen Astrid (Brussels, Belgium) where he leads a team of civilian and military medical doctors and physiotherapists specialized in musculoskeletal injuries. Professor at Ghent University: Working on research projects concerning prevention and risk factors of overuse injuries of the lower limb within the musculoskeletal research group at the Ghent University. Teaching undergraduate and postgraduate physiotherapy students. Obtained a PhD degree in motor rehabilitation & physiotherapy at the Ghent University. Specialties: Sports injury prevention & rehabilitation, Manual therapy.
For more information and registration please contact us mokymai@empatija.lt
DATE/TIME: April 26-27th, 2024. Training starts at 9 AM.
PLACE: the training will take place live at J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, B NORDIC 26 business center, Vilnius, Lithuania.
DURATION: 16 hours
The training will be held in English.
PRICE: 240 Eur
The course is designed for PTs, MDs, DCs and DOs.
This two-day introductory course covers the anatomy of male pelvic floor, differences between female pelvic floor and musculo-skeletal(MSK) approach treatment of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation pelvic pain, pudendal neuralgia, prostate recovery. It is a hands-on course.
• Understand the anatomy of male pelvic floor and difference between female pelvic floor, and with which cue can see maximum contraction for the exercises (proof with real time ultrasound).
• Diaphragm and pelvic floor relationship and treatment of diaphragm.
• Constipation – varicocele and pelvic pain relationship and treatment options.
• Male sexual dysfunctions and relationship with MSK conditions and MSK treatment options.
• Evidence based of pelvic floor treatment for pelvic floor dysfunctions.
• Differential diagnosis of pelvic floor dysfunctions.
• Treatment of pelvic floor internally (rectal exam.), and externally.
• Pelvic floor rehab. after prostate CA surgery.
• Relationship with sacroiliac joint and pelvic floor dysfunctions.
Day 1
– Overview of male anatomy.
– Male organ systems (kidney-bladder – overactive bladder, varicocele), Male urologic anatomy.
– Male pelvic floor muscles, pelvic floor muslce function with real time ultrasound
– External assesment of pelvic floor and pelvic girdle and diaphragm.
– Assessment of bladder, kidney.
Day 2
– Anatomy of men sexual function(Erection-ejaculation) and SI Joint.
– Pelvic pain and prostate and prostate CA, and post op rehab.
– SIJ assessment and treatment.
– Internal assessment of male pelvic floor.
– Coccyx dysfunction and treatment.
TUTOR: ÜMİT ERKUT – Dr. PT&Osteopath, Assistant Profesor, Rumeli University (Turkey).
For more information and registration please contact us mokymai@empatija.lt
DATE/TIME: April 13th, 2024. Training starts at 9 AM.
PLACE: the training will take place live at J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, B NORDIC 26 business center, Vilnius, Lithuania.
DURATION: 8 hours
The training will be held in English.
PRICE: 160 Eur
• Definition of mesotherapy and brief historical review.
• Mechanism of action, intradermal injection technique and instrumentation.
• Indication, contraindications and adverse events.
• How to integrate mesotherapy in the reheducational programs.
• Clinical practice.
• Case reports.
• Practice between students.
• Patients’ treatments (neck pain, back pain).
• ECM questionnaire.
Scientific Responsible : Prof Gianpaolo Ronconi, PMR specialist.
On behalf of Mediterranean Forum of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, prof. Foti.
For more information and registration please contact us mokymai@empatija.lt
DATE/TIME: May 24-25th, 2024. Training starts at 9 AM.
PLACE: the training will take place live at J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, B NORDIC 26 business center, Vilnius, Lithuania.
DURATION: 16 hours
The training will be held in English.
PRICE: 280 Eur
Electronic CERTIFICATES will be issued for the following: doctors (all professional qualifications), PASP applied kinesiology therapists, PASP osteopathic physiotherapists, therapeutic massage therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and manual theraphy therapists.
We’d like to invite you to our workshop – “An Introduction to Structural Integration”. This workshop
is recommended for anybody interested in Structural Integration, especially those who’d like to take
part in the full training course of the Structural Integration Method by Dr Rolf.
The workshop is certified and licensed by the European Guild for Structural Integration. Even if you’re
planning on learning Structural Integration in a different school (European Rolfing Association or
ATSI), you’ll surely find this workshop useful.
Workshop Description
Get ready for an intense, 16-hour workshop, that will teach you a lot about the method, even before
beginning your basic training in Structural Integration. It will help you understand, what exactly the
whole process of Structural Integration consists of.
During the workshop, Piotr Szałański will demonstrate the theoretical basis of Structural Integration.
He’s known for creating an atmosphere of inquisitiveness, with a great dose of vitality and humour.
The workshop also consists of a practical section during which the participants will get to know some
basic manual techniques as well as how to visually assess a patient or client. The workshop will help
understand what the practice of Structural Integration looks like.
During the workshop we’ll discuss:
• The history of Structural Integration and it’s different schools.
• The role of connective tissue and how it behaves in the Earth’s gravitational field.
• The theory of the original 10 sessions of Structural Integration as presented by Dr Ida Rolf.
• The basics of structural analysis.
• Palpation practice and the practical implementation of manual techniques.
• A Structural Integration mini session (demo).
Participants receive a certificate of attendance and a transcript of the workshop.
You’ll go home with a much deeper understanding of human anatomy and the postural process. It’ll
also allow you to find out if Structural Integration is the path you would like to follow, and if it meets
your expectations. You’re NOT required to have already completed 10 sessions of Structural
Integration to attend this workshop.
However, the completion of the Classic 10 Sessions is necessary before beginning the full (2 year)
training in the Structural Integration Method by Dr Ida Rolf. We will publish the exact dates in the
near future.
Day 1
– The basics of Structural Integration and the fascial system.
– Palpation practice – getting to know the fascia.
– The theory behind the Classic 10 Sessions as taught by Dr Ida Rolf – part 1.
– The theory behind the Classic 10 Sessions as taught by Dr Ida Rolf – part 2.
Day 2
– A recap of Day 1.
– A demonstration of the first Structural Integration Session by the instructor – observation and
palpation practice – part 1.
– A demonstration of the first Structural Integration Session by the instructor – observation and
palpation practice – part 2.
– The history of Structural Integration and its different schools.
PIOTR SZAŁAŃSKI – physiotherapist, certified advanced structural integration therapist, teacher of deep tissue massage according to the Art Riggs recommendation, teacher of profession with medical specialisation. He has been in private therapy practice for 11 years. Since 2012 he has been helping patients in his hometown of Belchatovo. He is one of the founders of the Artromedical Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Clinic in Belchatow. Since 2010, together with Łukasz Czubaszewski, he has conducted more than 120 courses in Poland, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, as well as in Italy and Lithuania. During this time he has shared his knowledge and skills with more than 2300 therapists.
For more information and registration please contact us mokymai@empatija.lt