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Daugiau kaip 20 metų darbo patirtį turinti fizinės medicinos ir reabilitacijos gydytoja Gintarė Vaitkienė paskaitoje apžvelgs judesių vystymosi ypatumus pirmaisiais vaiko gyvenimo metais, pasaulio pažinimą per jutimus, atvejus, kada tėveliams vertėtų sunerimti, kada reikėtų kreiptis į specialistus bei kokios priemonės padeda lavinti vaiko judesius.
Daugiau informacijos tel. +370 618 51884 arba el. paštu
VšĮ Žinių laboratorija „Empatija“
J. Basanavičiaus g. 26-101, Vilnius
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Practical training ACUPUNCTURE (connective tissue and muscle technique – DRY NEEDLING) TOP 30 COURSE
PRICE: 450 Eur
DATE/TIME: March 28-30 th. Duration – 24 hours.
LOCATION: J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, Vilnius, Lithuania
TARGET AUDIENCE: rehabilitation doctors, sports medicine doctors, physiotherapists, acupuncture specialists, applied kinesiology specialists, reflex therapists.
This three-day introductory course covers the foundations of dry needling, myofascial pain syndrome, trigger points and the clinical highlights of dry needling. It is a hands-on course. Participants practice dry needling of the Top 30 muscles under consistent supervision with each other.
Please note, recognition of dry needling depends on the country of practice, and it is the responsibility of each graduate to follow the local regulations.
Upon completion of the course, participants will:
– understand the basic scientific backgrounds of the myofascial pain syndrome and of trigger points.
be able to identify the Top 30 muscles by surface anatomy, palpation and function. They will also – understand their clinical symptoms and perpetuating factors.
be able to identify the features of trigger points by physical examination and apply this knowledge to the Top 30 muscles.
– understand the specific indications and contraindications of dry needling.
– have the ability to apply the safety rules for dry needling.
– be able to perform dry needling of the Top 30 muscles.
– understand the possible side effects and complications of dry needling and will be able to react appropritately.
LECTURER: DIEGO LEONI is a physiotherapist working in clinical, research and education. He graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy at the Brescia University (Italy), and after that, he specialized in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. In 2005, he completed a Master in Musculoskeletal Disorders Rehabilitation at the University of Genoa (Italy), in collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit of Brussel (Belgium). From 2008 to 2013, he taught theory and practice of manual therapy of the spine for the same Master program. In 2014, he earned a Master of Science in Physical Therapy Science at the Landquart University College Physiotherapy Thim van der Laan (Switzerland). In his daily clinical practice, in Lugano and Milano (the city where he lives), he’s taking care of ‘0-99 years old’ patients with neuro-musculoskeletal disorders ( Since 2010 he is a researcher at the Rehabilitation Research Laboratory of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, with a special interest in pain assessment methods, spinal manipulation techniques, trigger point therapy and neurodynamics.
For more information and registration, please contact us by e-mail or mobile phone +370 621 94001
Practical training Dry Needling & Manual Therapy
Techniques Review & Clinical Tips
PRICE: 335 Eur
DATE/TIME: 2024 November 30 th – December 1 st. Duration – 16 hours.
LOCATION: J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, Vilnius, Lithuania
TARGET AUDIENCE: Physiotherapists and Medical Doctors with previous training in DN and MT for myofascial trigger points.
Myofascial trigger points (MTrP) are probably the most common clinical finding in people suffering from musculoskeletal (MSK) pain. They can be the source of symptoms and limitations associated with several MSK disorders, including headache, neck pain, lateral elbow and shoulder pain, low back pain, peri trochanteric pain, plantar fasciopathy, etc. Recognizing the presence of MTrP and treating them appropriately can provide pain reduction, functional recovery, improvement in sleep quality, reduction of medication intake and treatments costs, with a great benefit for people suffering from MSK pain. This course is aimed to all health professionists with a previous training in dry needling (DN) or manual therapy (MT), who want to improve their technical skills and optimizing the treatment management.
DN & MT techniques: review and update.
Clinical Guidelines: recommendations for the management of soft tissue disfunctions. Exercise & education: integrating dry needling (DN) and manual therapy (MT) within a multimodal intervention.
Improving dry needling and manual therapy techniques.
Recognizing people who may benefit from DN and MT treatments.
Considering risk factors and perpetuating factors as a target for DN and MT.
Optimizing the effectiveness DN and MT treatments for people suffering from:
– Low Back Pain.
– Neck Pain.
– Subacromial Pain Syndrome.
– Lateral Elbow Pain.
LECTURER: DIEGO LEONI is a physiotherapist working in clinical, research and education. He graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy at the Brescia University (Italy), and after that, he specialized in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. In 2005, he completed a Master in Musculoskeletal Disorders Rehabilitation at the University of Genoa (Italy), in collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit of Brussel (Belgium). From 2008 to 2013, he taught theory and practice of manual therapy of the spine for the same Master program. In 2014, he earned a Master of Science in Physical Therapy Science at the Landquart University College Physiotherapy Thim van der Laan (Switzerland). In his daily clinical practice, in Lugano and Milano (the city where he lives), he’s taking care of ‘0-99 years old’ patients with neuro-musculoskeletal disorders ( Since 2010 he is a researcher at the Rehabilitation Research Laboratory of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, with a special interest in pain assessment methods, spinal manipulation techniques, trigger point therapy and neurodynamics.
For more information and registration, please contact us by e-mail or mobile phone +370 621 94001
Practical training Myofascial Pain and Related Movement Dysfunctions
Clinical Reasoning & Physical Testing
PRICE: 155 Eur
DATE/TIME: 2024 November 29 th. Duration – 8 hours.
LOCATION: J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, Vilnius, Lithuania
TARGET AUDIENCE: Physiotherapists and Medical Doctors interested in reviewing and update their assessment and clinical reasoning skills.
Diagnostic criteria for trigger points are certainly one of the necessary skills in the assessment of persons with musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders. The finding of an active myofascial trigger point (MTrP) is the mandatory diagnostic criterion for the myofascial pain syndrome.
However, myofascial dysfunctions are often related or accompanied by other conditions as arthralgias and neural disorders. In order set the treatment targets and chose the more appropriate treatment options, two main abilities are
1) Conducting a comprehensive assessment to identify all possible other dysfunctions.
2) Knowing and recognizing risk factors and perpetuating factors that can be influenced by a rehabilitation intervention.
This course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to identify patients who can benefit from myofascial trigger points treatment, considering four clinical conditions: Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Subacromial Pain Syndrome, Lateral Elbow Pain.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome: how to recognize it.
Key elements of physical testing and differential diagnosis.
Definition & Epidemiology of: Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Subacromial Pain Syndrome, Lateral Elbow Pain.
Risk Factors & Perpetuating Factors: recognizing them as a key aspect of the clinical management.
Recognizing patients who may benefit from trigger point management.
Optimizing anamnesis and clinical testing.
Recognizing risk and perpetuating factors in people suffering from Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Subacromial
Pain Syndrome and Lateral Elbow Pain.
LECTURER: DIEGO LEONI is a physiotherapist working in clinical, research and education. He graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy at the Brescia University (Italy), and after that, he specialized in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. In 2005, he completed a Master in Musculoskeletal Disorders Rehabilitation at the University of Genoa (Italy), in collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit of Brussel (Belgium). From 2008 to 2013, he taught theory and practice of manual therapy of the spine for the same Master program. In 2014, he earned a Master of Science in Physical Therapy Science at the Landquart University College Physiotherapy Thim van der Laan (Switzerland). In his daily clinical practice, in Lugano and Milano (the city where he lives), he’s taking care of ‘0-99 years old’ patients with neuro-musculoskeletal disorders ( Since 2010 he is a researcher at the Rehabilitation Research Laboratory of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, with a special interest in pain assessment methods, spinal manipulation techniques, trigger point therapy and neurodynamics.
For more information and registration, please contact us by e-mail or mobile phone +370 621 94001
Foundational Shockwave Therapy course:
January 26, 2024. Training starts at 9 AM.
The application of radial shock waves in tendinopathies and trigger points:
January 27, 2024. Training starts at 9 AM.
PLACE: The training will take place live at J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, B NORDIC 26 business center, Vilnius, Lithuania
DURATION: 8-16 hours
The training will be held in English, with translation into Lithuanian.
Day I: 120 Eur
Day II: 120 Eur
Both days: 210 Eur
Prices will be changing on 12th of December.
Electronic CERTIFICATES will be issued for the following: doctors (all professional qualifications), general nurses (all professional qualifications), therapeutic massage therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and manual therapists.
Day I
January 26, 2024. Foundational Shockwave Therapy course.
– General introduction in radial Shockwave Therapy:
• What is a shockwave?
• History of medical shockwave (ESWT)
• Shockwave generation
• Working mechanism
• Contra indications & side effects
• Radial and Shockwave Therapy Science
• Shockwave devices
• Questions & Answers
– Practical demonstration of a radial shock wave intervention in Achilles tendinopathy illustrated by a case study. Assessment, treatment and evaluation. Questions & Answers.
– Practical Tips and tricks. Treatment settings.
• Treatment parameters: Intensity, frequency , number of shocks, treatment frequency. Software.
• How to use shockmaster radial shock wave software for optimal treatment success.
• Protocols.
– Evidence based protocols (base on literature):
• Approved standard indications
• Common empirically-tested clinical uses
• Exceptional indications – expert indications
• Experimental Indications
• Common empirically-tested clinical uses
• Exceptional indications – expert indications
– Maintenance.
– Questions & Answers.
– Practical Demonstration of a radial shock wave intervention for Trigger point Pain of the lower limb: role of trigger points in Achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciopathy: illustrated by a case study. Assessment, treatment and evaluation.
Day II
January 27, 2024. The application of radial shock waves in tendinopathies and trigger points.
– Theory: Tendinopathies and radial shock waves. Basic approach and literature.
– Practice:
• Treatment of lateral elbow pain illustrated with case studies. Assessment, treatment and evaluation.
• Treatment of Greater trochanteric pain illustrated with case studies. Assessment, treatment and evaluation.
– Theory: Myofascial pain and dysfunction and radial shock wave. Basic approach and literature. Questions & Answers.
– Radial shock wave therapy Practical demonstration in Trigger Points treatment illustrated by a case study in muscular frozen shoulder.
– Questions & Answers.
LECTURER: BERT VRIJDERS (Belgium) – Graduated as a physiotherapist from the Catholic University of Leuven (K.U.L.) in 1983. He has established a private physiotherapy practice for the outpatient treatment of patients with uprightness and mobility disorders. Throughout his career, he has integrated post-academic skills into his daily practice.
His officially recognised specialisations include Medical Training Therapy (MTT), Manual Therapy (MT) (officially recognised by the Belgian government), Movement Counselling (STichting Ergonomie en Preventie en Associatie van Bewegingsconsulenten), Myofascial Therapy, and Movement Training at Vlaams Instituut voor Gezondheispromotie en ziektepreventie.
BERT VRIJDERS is certified by the Belgian branch of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBAM) in literature searches of medical databases and in writing systematic reviews.
For more information and registration please contact us
Module I: May 9-10th, 2024. Start (both days) at 8.30 AM. Total duration – 16 hours (two days of 8 hours each).
Module II: May 11-12th, 2024. Start (both days) at 8.30 AM. Total duration – 16 hours (two days of 8 hours each).
The training will take place live at J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, B NORDIC 26 business center, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The training will be held in English, with translation into Lithuanian.
PRICE: 290 Eur for one module, 520 Eur for two when buying immediately.
Electronic CERTIFICATES will be issued for the following: Rehabilitation physicians, orthopaedic-traumatologists, sports medicine physicians, reflexologists, therapeutic massage therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, PASP acupuncturists, PASP applied kinesiology therapists, PASP osteopathic physiotherapists, PASP healthcare ayurveda therapists, and manual therapy specialists.
May 9th, 2024 (Thursday):
– Introduction to Myofascial Trigger Points
– Fundamentals of Manual Trigger Point Therapy
– Theoretical and practical sessions: Anatomy of the shoulder and treatment techniques
May 10th, 2024 (Friday):
– Q&A, practical examples and clinical application
– Theoretical and practical session: Anatomy of the shoulder and treatment techniques
– Theoretical and practical session: Anatomy and treatment techniques of the hand and thumb
– Treatment management and practical examples
– Theoretical and practical session: Head and neck anatomy and treatment techniques
May 11th, 2024 (Saturday):
– Repeat of the theoretical and practical content of Module I. Treatment Management and Implementation
– Pathophysiology and evidence-based practice in myofascial pain syndrome
– Theoretical and practical session: Anatomy and treatment techniques. Back
– Theoretical and practical session: Anatomy and treatment techniques. Back, pelvis and groin
– Theoretical and practical session: Anatomy and treatment techniques. Groin and thigh
May 12th, 2024 (Sunday):
– Questions, answers, practical and clinical examples. Clinical application
– Theoretical and practical session: Anatomy and treatment techniques. Lower limbs
– Treatment management and practical examples
LECTURER: DIEGO LEONI – Lecturer in physiotherapy at the DAVID G SIMONS Academy (DGSA) (Switzerland). Graduate of the Universities of Brescia (BA) and Genoa (MA). In 2014 he obtained a Master of Science degree in Physical Therapy at the Landquart University College of Physiotherapy in Thim van der Laan (Switzerland). Practising in Lugano. Since 2010 he is a researcher at the Rehabilitation Research Laboratory of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, with a particular interest in pain assessment methods, spinal manipulation techniques, trigger point therapy and neurodynamics. He has presented his research findings at various national and international congresses including the 2015 WCPT World Congress in Singapore.
For more information and registration please contact us
DATE/TIME: December 6, 2023. Training starts at 9 AM.
PLACE: The training will take place in Kaunas.
DURATION: 8 hours
The training will be held in English.
PRICE: 45 Eur
Electronic CERTIFICATES will be issued for the following: doctors (all professional qualifications), general nurses (all professional qualifications), therapeutic massage therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and manual therapists.
Education day (9.00 – 4.00pm)
Morning lecture: Current Concepts of Tendinopathy management
• Anatomy and pathology of tendons
• Tendon function and response to load
• The Tendon Continuum model
• Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy for tendinopathy
• Types of shockwave therapy and generation
• Biological effects of ESWT
• Why some patients may not respond
• Optimal protocols and clinical application
• Practical demonstrations of using ESWT for tendinopathies
Afternoon lecture: Current concepts on Pain and wound management
• How do we define pain?
• Is pain all in the head?
• How effective are our current interventions for pain?
• What is Lightforce Therapy (LFT)?
• What are the influences of LFT on pain and healing?
• LFT for sport performance and recovery
• Optimal protocols and clinical application
• LFT for wound and ulcer healing
• Practical demonstration of using LFT for pain
LECTURER: Cliff Eaton MSc BSC (Hons) MCSP has spent his career working in professional sport at an elite level. This is a competitive environment where success is determined by outcomes. Cliff is an eminent practitioner and author in the field of Sports Medicine and Electrotherapy. He has had works published in internationally recognised Journals on Sport Specific Rehabilitation. He has also co-authored two books on Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, is an ISMST accredited practitioner, teaches on the Chinese Shockwave accreditation course and has lectured in 26 different countries on the the subject.
For more information and registration please contact us
LECTURER: dr. Konstantinos Mylonas – ERGON® Academy lecturer, physiotherapist, one of the creators of this method, CEO. More information
Level I (basic): 2024 February 23-24. Start (both days) – 9:00 AM.
Level II (advanced): 2024 February 24-25. Start (both days) – 9:00 AM.
Level I (basic): 14 hrs
Level II (advanced): 14 hrs
The training will take place live at J. Basanavičiaus st. 26-101, B NORDIC 26 business centre, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The training will be held in English, with translation into Lithuanian.
It is possible to participate in the selected level or both levels at once.
Level I (basic): 290 Eur (until December)
Level II (advanced): 290 Eur (until December)
Level I and II together: 550 Eur (until December)
From December, training will be more expensive!
*Can be paid in installments (advance payment of 150 Eur upon registration confirmation, remaining amount until February 1st).
Electronic CERTIFICATES are issued, suitable for the renewal/receipt of the following licences: therapeutic massage therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, FMR therapists, sports medicine therapists, manual therapy therapists, PASP applied kinesiology therapists, PASP osteopathic physiotherapists, nurses in general practice (all occupational qualifications).
The training is also suitable for the professional development of the following professionals: sports trainers, physical activity sports professionals (personal trainers) and instructors, high-performance sports professionals and instructors, massage therapists, movement specialists, medical and sports students. They will be issued with a certificate from the Knowledge Lab Empathy.
The main objective of the workshop is to provide theoretical and practical training and skills building for participants using ERGON tools. During the training, practical skills will be developed for the application of the ERGON® method in all anatomical structures (based on the body fascia meridians according to the theory of the Myofascial Circuits of Thomas Mayer). Practical analysis of different clinical situations of the musculoskeletal system and the possibilities of applying the ERGON® method.
The ERGON® technique is designed for the treatment of neuromuscular pathologies, combining static and dynamic manipulation of the body’s soft tissues with special ERGON® instruments. It is an evidence-based method of soft tissue manual therapy. The name of the technique is derived from the ancient Greek word „ergon”, meaning „human handwork”.
The technique has been developed through applied research and long-term evaluation.
The ERGON® technique is an updated technique that improves on the older IASTM technique.
The ERGON® Soft Tissue Technique is applied along the fascial meridians (Thomas Mayer’s theory of myofascial meridian circuits), freeing them up and improving impaired tissue mobility function. The results can be observed in just a few treatment sessions.
I module (basic):
– Introduction to the techniques: basic theoretical principles, indications and contraindications, results of the techniques.
– Demonstration of the basic ERGON movements (IASTM) and their application.
– Fascial system: anatomy of fascial meridians, functions, interaction with other soft tissues
– Treatment of specific pathologies (sports injuries, scars, etc.)
– Practical application of the ERGON technique:
a) Posterior hip area (superficial back line)
b) Posterior knee area (superficial back line)
c) Posterior region, plantar fascia (superficial back line)
d) Anterior region of the hip (superficial anterior line)
e) Anterior region of the knee and foot (superficial frontal line)
f) Hip joint (tensor Fascia Latae, ITB)
g) Knee joint (lateral line)
h) Adduction (deep anterior line)
i) Lumbosacral region (dorsal and spiral lines)
j) Neck area (back and spiral lines)
k) Abdominal muscles (anterior, spiral and deep anterior lines)
l) Upper arms (dorsal line)
m) Shoulder (anterior and deep anterior lines)
n) Elbow (anterior and posterior lines)
o) Forearm (anterior and posterior lines)
p) Wrist and hand (arm lines)
II module (advanced):
– Introduction: to deepen the theoretical background, indications and contraindications, expected results
– Advanced ERGON® movements: demonstration of Advanced ERGON® movements (IASTM)
– ERGON® Technique: studies, case studies, discussions
– ERGON® technique. Efficient examination procedure
a) Posterior hip area (superficial back line)
b) Posterior region of the knee (superficial back line)
c) Posterior region, plantar fascia (superficial back line)
(d) Anterior region of the hip (superficial anterior line)
(e) Anterior region of the knee and foot (superficial frontal line)
(f) Hip joint (Tensor Fascia Latae, ITB)
(g) Knee joint (lateral line)
(h) Aduction (deep anterior line)
i) Lumbosacral region (dorsal and spiral lines)
(j) Neck area (back and spiral lines)
(k) Abdominal muscles (anterior, spiral and deep anterior lines)
(l) Upper arms (dorsal line)
(m) Shoulder (anterior and deep anterior lines)
(n) Elbow (anterior and posterior lines)
(o) Forearm (anterior and posterior lines)
(p) Wrist and hand (arm lines)
– ERGON® treatment procedure, assessment and treatment
– Discussion. Evaluation
For more information and registration please contact us
DATE/TIME: December 5, 2023. Training starts at 9 AM.
PLACE: The training will take place LIVE at J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, B NORDIC 26 business center, Vilnius, Lithuania and ONLINE (via Zoom).
DURATION: 8 hours
The training will be held in English, with translation into Lithuanian.
PRICE: 45 Eur
Electronic CERTIFICATES will be issued for the following: doctors (all professional qualifications), general nurses (all professional qualifications), therapeutic massage therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and manual therapists.
Education day (9.00 – 4.00pm)
Morning lecture: Current Concepts of Tendinopathy management
• Anatomy and pathology of tendons
• Tendon function and response to load
• The Tendon Continuum model
• Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy for tendinopathy
• Types of shockwave therapy and generation
• Biological effects of ESWT
• Why some patients may not respond
• Optimal protocols and clinical application
• Practical demonstrations of using ESWT for tendinopathies
Afternoon lecture: Current concepts on Pain and wound management
• How do we define pain?
• Is pain all in the head?
• How effective are our current interventions for pain?
• What is Lightforce Therapy (LFT)?
• What are the influences of LFT on pain and healing?
• LFT for sport performance and recovery
• Optimal protocols and clinical application
• LFT for wound and ulcer healing
• Practical demonstration of using LFT for pain
LECTURER: Cliff Eaton MSc BSC (Hons) MCSP has spent his career working in professional sport at an elite level. This is a competitive environment where success is determined by outcomes. Cliff is an eminent practitioner and author in the field of Sports Medicine and Electrotherapy. He has had works published in internationally recognised Journals on Sport Specific Rehabilitation. He has also co-authored two books on Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, is an ISMST accredited practitioner, teaches on the Chinese Shockwave accreditation course and has lectured in 26 different countries on the the subject.
For more information and registration please contact us
DATE/TIME: October 25-29th, 2023, from 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM (all days).
The training will take place live at J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, B NORDIC 26 business centre, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The training will be held in English, with translation into Lithuanian.
PRICE: 600 Eur*
*Payment can be made in installments (advance payment of 200 Eur upon registration confirmation, the remaining amount by October 1st).
Electronic CERTIFICATES will be issued for the following: therapeutic massage therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, FMR therapists, sports medicine therapists, manual therapy therapists, PASP applied kinesiology therapists, PASP osteopathy therapists, nurses in general practice (all occupational qualifications).
The training is also suitable for the further training of the following professionals: physical activity sports specialists (personal trainers) and instructors, high performance sports specialists and instructors, massage therapists, movement specialists, medical and sports students. They will be issued with a certificate from the Knowledge Lab Empathy.
Day 1 (9 AM – 6 PM), October 25th:
– Introduction to DTM (Deep Tissue Massage) and the basics of Structural Integration.
– Fascia anatomy and physiology and the world of fascia science.
– The tools used in DTM.
– Methods used in DTM, Part I.
Day 2 (9 AM – 6 PM), October 26th:
– Techniques used in the DTM, Part II: Exercises on the quality of tissue contact and depth of tissue contact.
– Working with the back.
– Abdominal and diaphragm therapy.
Day 3 (9 AM – 6 PM), October 27th:
– Iliopsoas muscle therapy.
– Lumbar muscle therapy.
– Carpal tunnel in the context of the carpal tunnel.
– The forearm in the context of the tennis elbow.
Day 4 (9 AM – 6 PM), October 28th:
– Shoulder girdle and deltoid muscle.
– Summary of work on the upper limb.
– Front of thigh, knee joint pain.
– Lateral and medial sides of the thigh.
Day 5 (9 AM – 6 PM), October 29th:
– Ankle joint and anterior half of the calf.
– Anterior neck, clinical work
– Neck and occipital area.
– Final examination (independent work in the chosen area).
PIOTR SZAŁAŃSKI – physiotherapist, certified advanced structural integration therapist, teacher of deep tissue massage according to the Art Riggs recommendation, teacher of profession with medical specialisation. He has been in private therapy practice for 11 years. Since 2012 he has been helping patients in his hometown of Belchatovo. He is one of the founders of the Artromedical Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Clinic in Belchatow. Since 2010, together with Łukasz Czubaszewski, he has conducted more than 120 courses in Poland, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, as well as in Italy and Lithuania. During this time he has shared his knowledge and skills with more than 2300 therapists.
ŁUKASZ CZUBASZEWSKI – Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Deep Tissue Massage teacher recommended by Art Riggs. He has been working professionally as a therapist for 15 years, focusing on pain patients. He has worked with many different sports teams, including clubs in the Polish Major League, amateur sports clubs and the national team. He runs the Centre for Physiotherapy and Osteopathy in Poznan.
For more information and registration please contact us
Cranio-Cervical Therapeutics: 2023 December 7-8. Duration – 16 hours. From 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (both days).
Cranio-Mandibular Therapeutics: 2023 December 9-10. Duration – 16 hours. From 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (both days).
The training will take place live at J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, B NORDIC 26 business centre, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The training will be held in English, with translation into Lithuanian.
It is possible to participate in both trainings at once or optionally in any one of the specified trainings.
Cranio-Cervical Therapeutics – 450 Eur
Cranio-Mandibular Therapeutics – 400 Eur
Both courses – 700 Eur
*Payment can be made in installments (advance payment of 250 Eur upon registration confirmation, the remaining amount by November 1st).
The price may increase a few weeks before the start of the training.
Electronic CERTIFICATES will be issued for the following: doctors (all professional qualifications), physiotherapists, dentists (all professional qualifications), therapeutic massage specialists, occupational therapists, PASP applied kinesiology specialists, osteopaths, manual therapy specialists.
Cranio-Cervical Therapeutics: 2023 December 7-8 Theory 40% / practice 60%
2023 December 7th (Thursday)
– Clinically oriented scientific background:
a) Clinical anatomy of the cervical spine (upper neck emphasis)
b) Epidemiology of neck pain
c) Upper neck disorders and the sensory system
d) Upper neck disorders and the motor system
e) Upper neck disorders and the vestibular system
f) Contributing factors to neck disorders
g) Psychosocial factor in people with neck pain
– Clinical reasoning of common upper neck related clinical patterns: Cervicogenic Headache, Cervicogenic dizziness, potential involvement of upper neck in primary headaches (tension type & migraine)
– Assessment & therapeutics of the upper neck: topographical anatomy, Deep neck flexors assessment and rehabilitation
– Assessment & therapeutics of the upper neck: Occ-C1 segmental assessment and treatment
2023 December 8th (Friday)
– Assessment & therapeutics of the upper neck: C1-C2 segmental assessment and treatment, Cervicogenic Dizziness assessment & treatment
– Assessment & therapeutics of the upper neck: C2-C3 segmental assessment and treatment
– Assessment & therapeutics of the upper neck: soft tissue assessment and treatment (sub-occipitals, upper trap, splenius capitis, SCM)
– Real case study demonstration & brain storming.
Cranio-Mandibular Therapeutics: 2023 December 9-10 Theory 40% / practice 60%
Module II:
2023 December 9th (Saturday)
– Clinically oriented scientific background:
a) Clinical anatomy of masticatory system
b) Kinesiology, mechanics & patho-mechanics of the TMJ
c) Neck-Jaw connections: anatomical & functional
d) Upper neck & orofacial pain – neuroanatomical mechanism
e) Epidemiology of TMD
f) Etiology of TMD
g) Psychosocial factors in TMD
h) Common dental approach to TMD (oral appliance, behavioral therapy, surgical options)
– Clinical reasoning of temporomandibular disorders:
a) Pain related TMD (myogenic TMD, arthralgia)
b) Intra-articular TMD (different disc dysfunctions)
c) Degenerative TMD (mainly osteoarthritis of TMJ)
– Assessment & therapeutics of the TMD: topographical anatomy, evidence based diagnostics of TMD (DC-TMD assessment tools) – clinical applications for physiotherapists
– Assessment & therapeutics of pain related TMD: myogenic components
2023 December 10th (Sunday)
– Dental background: oral appliances & bruxism
– Assessment & therapeutics of pain related & degenerative TMD: TMJ components
– Assessment & therapeutics of intra-articular TMD: rehabilitation approaches to the different TMJ disc conditions
– Assessment & therapeutics upper neck involvement in TMD: upper neck differential diagnosis, upper neck short segmental assessment
– Real case study demonstration & brain storming.
LECTURER: dr. TZVIKA GREENBAUM – founder of CCM Academy, Physiotherapist since 2004, Bachelor of Physiotherapy from Haifa University (Israel), Joint Clinical MSc in Musculoskeletal and Sports from University of South Australia (2006) (Australia) and Doctor of Physiotherapy in Craniocervical and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation from Tel Aviv University (2020).
For more information and registration please contact us
Practical training ACUPUNCTURE (connective tissue and muscle technique – DRY NEEDLING) Level I-II courses
Level I – 450 Eur
Level II – 300 Eur
Level I&II – 700 Eur
Level I (basic): in 2024 January 31, February 1 and 2. Duration – 24 hours.
Level II (advanced): in 2024 February 3 and 4. Duration – 16 hours.
LOCATION: J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, Vilnius, Lithuania
TARGET AUDIENCE: rehabilitation doctors, sports medicine doctors, physiotherapists, acupuncture specialists, applied kinesiology specialists, reflex therapists.
Level I course (basic):
This three-day introductory course covers the foundations of dry needling, myofascial pain syndrome, trigger points and the clinical highlights of dry needling. It is a hands-on course. Participants practice dry needling of the Top 30 muscles under consistent supervision with each other.
Please note, recognition of dry needling depends on the country of practice, and it is the responsibility of each graduate to follow the local regulations.
Upon completion of the course, participants will:
– understand the basic scientific backgrounds of the myofascial pain syndrome and of trigger points.
be able to identify the Top 30 muscles by surface anatomy, palpation and function. They will also – understand their clinical symptoms and perpetuating factors.
be able to identify the features of trigger points by physical examination and apply this knowledge to the Top 30 muscles.
– understand the specific indications and contraindications of dry needling.
– have the ability to apply the safety rules for dry needling.
– be able to perform dry needling of the Top 30 muscles.
– understand the possible side effects and complications of dry needling and will be able to react appropritately.
Level II course (advanced):
During this two-day advanced course participants will learn the diagnosis, physical examination and Dry Needling of the most common muscles of the lower extremities and the upper half of the body. The course is a hands on course. Participants practice Dry Needling under consistent supervision with each other.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to identify the features of the trigger points by physical examination and to perform Dry Needling for the most common muscles of the lower extremities and the upper half of the body.
LECTURER: DIEGO LEONI is a physiotherapist working in clinical, research and education. He graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy at the Brescia University (Italy), and after that, he specialized in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. In 2005, he completed a Master in Musculoskeletal Disorders Rehabilitation at the University of Genoa (Italy), in collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit of Brussel (Belgium). From 2008 to 2013, he taught theory and practice of manual therapy of the spine for the same Master program. In 2014, he earned a Master of Science in Physical Therapy Science at the Landquart University College Physiotherapy Thim van der Laan (Switzerland). In his daily clinical practice, in Lugano and Milano (the city where he lives), he’s taking care of ‘0-99 years old’ patients with neuro-musculoskeletal disorders ( Since 2010 he is a researcher at the Rehabilitation Research Laboratory of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, with a special interest in pain assessment methods, spinal manipulation techniques, trigger point therapy and neurodynamics.
For more information and registration, please contact us by e-mail or mobile phone +370 621 94001
DATE/TIME: October 20, 2023. Training starts at 9 AM.
– The training will take place live at J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, B NORDIC 26 business center, Vilnius, Lithuania
– Online via Zoom
DURATION: 8 hours
The training will be held in English, with translation into Lithuanian.
All participants will have the opportunity to view the training video after the training.
PRICE: 35 Eur*
*Price for students – 20 Eur. Email us a photo of your student ID to and you will receive an individual discount code that you can use when purchasing these trainings.
Electronic CERTIFICATES will be issued for the following: doctors (all professional qualifications), general practice nurses (all professional qualifications), therapeutic massage specialists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, manual therapy specialists.
TRAINING PROGRAM (will be revised):
Topics of theoretical-practical training with INDIBA devices:
– Joint injuries
– Ligament injuries
– Tendon injury
– Muscle injury
– Lower back pain
LECTURER: MARKO BUNDALO – physiotherapist, manual therapy specialist, INDIBA expert.
For more information and registration please contact us
October 6th, 2023 (Friday): HEALTH ELECTROTHERAPY IN REABILITATION (8 hours)
October8th, 2023 (Sunday): HEALTH ELECTROTHERAPY IN SPORTS MEDICINE (8 hours)
The training will take place live at J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, B NORDIC 26 business center, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The training will be held in English, with translation into Lithuanian.
October 6th, 2023 (Friday): HEALTH ELECTROTHERAPY IN REABILITATION – 135 Eur
Electronic CERTIFICATES will be issued for the following: physical medicine and rehabilitation doctors, orthopaedic-traumatologists, sports medicine doctors, general practitioners, reflexologists, physiotherapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, therapeutic massage therapists, general nurses.
October 6th program:
– Fundamentals of electrotherapy;
– Modern electrotherapy techniques: FES – Functional Exercise Stimulation of the Motor Nerves / TENS – Specifics of Pain Treatment;
– Electrotherapy treatment protocols;
– Practical situations of different electrotherapy methods (practical sessions).
October 8th program:
– Application of electrotherapy methods in rehabilitation and sports medicine – practical features;
– Rapid recovery of muscular and physical condition after extreme physical exertion using active electrotherapeutic methods – experience and perspectives;
– Preparation of athletes’ physical condition using electrotherapy methods;
– Electrotherapy in the process of muscle strength development, muscle strengthening and training;
– Rehabilitation of high-performance athletes.
LECTURER: prof. HEIKO VAN VLIET – licensed international electrotherapy instructor from Switzerland (Cefar Compex representative), professor at the Sports Department of Lausanne. Lecturer at the Dutch Centre for Sports and Physiotherapy Development, working with world-class athletes for over 30 years. Author of individual training programmes for the world’s leading athletes: Rotterdam Feyenord, Amsterdam Ajax, Rotterdam AZ Alkmaar, Portugal FC Porto, London Chelsea, German Schalke Football Club, Greek Panathinaikos Basketball Club, Swiss Snowboarders, Hong Kong National Swimming Team, Hong Kong National Swimming Team, All Saints Rugby Club, Northampton FC, Leicester Tigers (UK), Wasps (UK), German Olympic champion Claudia Pechstein in speed skating, basketball player Abby Bishop, Norwegian National Skating Team, Ski Academy, British Athletic Association (physiotherapy treatments and federation Games advisor), German Olympic biathlon team, etc.
For more information and registration please contact us
LECTURER: dr. Konstantinos Mylonas – ERGON® Academy lecturer, physiotherapist, one of the creators of this method, CEO. More information
DATE/TIME: September 9-10th, 2023. September 9th from 9 AM to 5 PM; September 10th from 9 AM to 3.00 PM.
DURATION: 14 hrs
The training will take place live at J. Basanavičiaus st. 26-101, B NORDIC 26 business centre, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The training will be held in English, with translation into Lithuanian.
PRICE: 350 Eur
*Can be paid in installments (advance payment of 150 Eur upon registration confirmation, remaining amount August 21st).
Electronic CERTIFICATES are issued, suitable for the renewal/receipt of the following licences: therapeutic massage therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, FMR therapists, sports medicine therapists, manual therapy therapists, PASP applied kinesiology therapists, PASP osteopathic physiotherapists, nurses in general practice (all occupational qualifications).
The training is also suitable for the professional development of the following professionals: sports trainers, physical activity sports professionals (personal trainers) and instructors, high-performance sports professionals and instructors, massage therapists, movement specialists, medical and sports students. They will be issued with a certificate from the Knowledge Lab Empathy.
The main objective of the workshop is to provide theoretical and practical training and skills building for participants using ERGON tools. During the training, practical skills will be developed for the application of the ERGON® method in all anatomical structures (based on the body fascia meridians according to the theory of the Myofascial Circuits of Thomas Mayer). Practical analysis of different clinical situations of the musculoskeletal system and the possibilities of applying the ERGON® method.
The ERGON® technique is designed for the treatment of neuromuscular pathologies, combining static and dynamic manipulation of the body’s soft tissues with special ERGON® instruments. It is an evidence-based method of soft tissue manual therapy. The name of the technique is derived from the ancient Greek word „ergon”, meaning „human handwork”.
The technique has been developed through applied research and long-term evaluation.
The ERGON® technique is an updated technique that improves on the older IASTM technique.
The ERGON® Soft Tissue Technique is applied along the fascial meridians (Thomas Mayer’s theory of myofascial meridian circuits), freeing them up and improving impaired tissue mobility function. The results can be observed in just a few treatment sessions.
– Introduction to the techniques: basic theoretical principles, indications and contraindications, results of the techniques.
– Demonstration of the basic ERGON movements (IASTM) and their application.
– Fascial system: anatomy of fascial meridians, functions, interaction with other soft tissues
– Treatment of specific pathologies (sports injuries, scars, etc.)
– Practical application of the ERGON technique:
a) Posterior hip area (superficial back line)
b) Posterior knee area (superficial back line)
c) Posterior region, plantar fascia (superficial back line)
d) Anterior region of the hip (superficial anterior line)
e) Anterior region of the knee and foot (superficial frontal line)
f) Hip joint (tensor Fascia Latae, ITB)
g) Knee joint (lateral line)
h) Adduction (deep anterior line)
i) Lumbosacral region (dorsal and spiral lines)
j) Neck area (back and spiral lines)
k) Abdominal muscles (anterior, spiral and deep anterior lines)
l) Upper arms (dorsal line)
m) Shoulder (anterior and deep anterior lines)
n) Elbow (anterior and posterior lines)
o) Forearm (anterior and posterior lines)
p) Wrist and hand (arm lines)
For more information and registration please contact us
a) Advance payment for seat reservation – 400 Eur
b) Payment for the entire course – 1800 Eur (payment schedule can be adjusted individually)
DATE/TIME: the training will take place after gathering a full group of 12 people in 2024.
LOCATION: J. Basanavičius st. 26-101, Vilnius, Lithuania
TARGET AUDIENCE: physical medicine doctors, neurologist doctors, sports medicine doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists.
The BOBATH Concept is an inclusive, individualized therapeutic approach to optimize movement recovery and potential for persons with neurological pathophysiology informed by contemporary movement and neurosciences. The concept provides a framework for the analysis of functional movement based on the understanding that neurological pathology affects the whole person. Intervention focuses on the recovery of typical movement, minimizing atypical and compensatory movement, whilst recognizing that movement problems are influenced by the person’s lived experiences pre and post the neurological lesion. There is an emphasis on a 24-hour multidisciplinary approach to enhance activity and participation.
An international IBITA certificate will be issued to the participants.
IBITA is the international organisation of Instructors, teaching the BOBATH concept applied to the assessment and treatment of adults with neurological conditions. IBITA was formed in 1984 for the specific purposes of providing a forum for defining the continued interaction and education of its present instructors and the training of future instructors and for the formulation of the Byelaws and Rules & Regulations of the organisation with respect to the teaching of the BOBATH Concept worldwide.
Today IBITA unites Instructors (Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists) worldwide, representing more than 255 members in 29 countries.
For more information about the course (detailed program, registration, location information, etc.), please contact us by e-mail
PRICE: 260 Eur (with discount when registering and paying until 10.01), 320 Eur (for registration and payment after 10.01).
DATE/TIME: November 19/20, 2022. Starts at 8.30 AM (on both days). Total duration – 16 academic hours.
LOCATION: J. Basanavičius st. 26, Vilnius
TARGET AUDIENCE: rehabilitation doctors, orthopaedic traumatologists, sports medicine doctors, reflex therapists, therapeutic massage specialists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, acupuncture specialists, applied kinesiology specialists, osteopathy specialists, health care Ayurvedic specialists.
November 19, 2022:
– Introduction to Myofascial Trigger Points
– Fundamentals of Manual Trigger Point Therapy
– Theoretical and practical sessions: Shoulder anatomy and treatment techniques
November 20, 2022:
– Questions and answers, practical examples and clinical application
– Theoretical and practical session: Shoulder anatomy and treatment techniques
– Theoretical and practical session: Hand and thumb anatomy and treatment techniques
– Treatment management and practical examples
– Theoretical and practical session: Head and neck anatomy and treatment techniques
LECTURER: DIEGO LEONI is a physiotherapist working in clinical, research and education. He graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy at the Brescia University (Italy), and after that, he specialized in musculoskeletal rehabilitation. In 2005, he completed a Master in Musculoskeletal Disorders Rehabilitation at the University of Genoa (Italy), in collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit of Brussel (Belgium). From 2008 to 2013, he taught theory and practice of manual therapy of the spine for the same Master program. In 2014, he earned a Master of Science in Physical Therapy Science at the Landquart University College Physiotherapy Thim van der Laan (Switzerland). In his daily clinical practice, in Lugano and Milano (the city where he lives), he’s taking care of ‘0-99 years old’ patients with neuro-musculoskeletal disorders ( Since 2010 he is a researcher at the Rehabilitation Research Laboratory of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, with a special interest in pain assessment methods, spinal manipulation techniques, trigger point therapy and neurodynamics.
How to register for the course:
1. Fill out the REGISTRATION FORM / DALYVIO VARDAS PAVARDĖ below. Note: if the payment is made by another person, please enter the details of the PARTICIPANT in the form.
2. Put the course to the CART / Į KREPŠELĮ.
3. Go to the CART (button in the top right) and proceed to the payment options.
You will get all the information about the course (address, arrival time, clothing etc.) 2-3 weeks before the course by e-mail.
For more information, please contact us by e-mail or mobile phone +370 621 94001
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